How Outsourcing Your Grant Department Saves Time

  • Wish you spent less time in meetings?

  • Want to spend time thinking strategically and not just putting out fires?

  • Need just a few hours to get that project off your desk, but constantly get interrupted?

When you outsource your grant department, you get us, uninterrupted, doing what we do best. We think strategically about where you can get the best return on investment. Then we put pen to paper to draft a well-crafted, competitive proposal that hits all the scoring criteria.

Instead of wearing many hats, we are dedicated, all day every day, to grants. In our book, grant awards are one of the most impactful (and necessary) components of a well-rounded fundraising plan.

Getting funded can be a complex challenge. When you use the full attention and skill set of a grants consultant, you get someone who knows grants inside and out. Like you, we are passionate about your cause. But, we spend their days fully immersed in the grants world. We know and can apply the latest in grantseeking techniques to your unique cause.

In fact, that’s our full-time job. 

Time is money.

Your time is valuable. We can help take the stress out of grant submissions. In our deadline-driven world, we have had to hone our time-management skills out of necessity. We plan submissions well in advance. And, our proprietary systems and processes ensure we don’t miss a deadline. What you get is a streamlined grant submission calendar informed by the latest in grantseeking know-how.

Grants all day, every day. 

Sound like your worst nightmare?

Grant writing is not for everyone. Believe me, I know! Having worked in this industry for the last 25 years, I know it takes a village of skill sets. My team and I are dedicated to best practices in grant-seeking, writing, and reporting. Our love of all things grants means that we will happily do all those things that you simply don’t have enough hours to complete.

Research, applications and micro details, oh my!

The requirements and details involved at each process stage can be daunting, but that’s where we excel…so you don’t have to. Our team treats each component of the grant submission process with care and attention. And, if you need other strategic materials–a case statement, fundraising letter, or strategic plan–we use that same attention to detail to make sure you are getting exactly what you need.

Outsourcing your grant department frees you up to do what you do best. Trusting a proven Grants Professional allows us to do what we do best, too:

When you outsource your grant department to professional consultants, we focus on the details so you don’t have to. And we keep you on track by handling the details. So you can spend time on the bigger picture. 

To see if outsourcing your grants department might be a good solution for you, book a free 20-minute Discovery Sales Call with Niki.


Upping Your Grants Game in 2024: In Sickness and In Health